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Margo Le

UC Davis Chapter

By: Ixchel Urbano, SDSU Chapter Member

Meet Margo Le, a second year student at the University of California Davis. Margo is studying Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, and French. She is currently in the process of working towards graduate school to obtain her doctorate. With a PhD, Margo wants to do more advanced research and possibly get into academia. She is especially interested in neurological diseases/disorders and would love to pursue her own research projects in that field. Margo is a very motivated, well-rounded student. In addition to her STEM interest, she speaks three languages fluently adding to all her many skills that make her so successful!

Margo joined WSS in the beginning of the Fall 2020 quarter. She joined WSS because she found the concept of learning from other girls in STEM and helping each other throughout their journeys to their dream careers very inspiring! Furthermore, she was always interested in learning from a variety of STEM professionals to really understand every part of STEM. WSS has allowed her to do just that by having events where she has learned more about other professions and how unique they all are. Margo especially enjoys WSS because it is a place where she is able to talk about all the nerdy things that pop up in her mind. Margo loves her friends, however most of her friends are not STEM majors, so WSS has given her a great opportunity to talk to other girls who share the same interests!
In her time in WSS Margo feels this organization is so helpful to collegiate women because it encourages them to stand up for themselves in their STEM community. WSS carries a lot of meaning to Margo, she says being a part of her Chapter has taught her to be a woman who is actively pursuing her dreams that maybe her past-self wanted to accomplish but did not have the opportunity to do so. In being a part of WSS, Margo says it is our responsibility as collegiate women to advocate for the women who came before us and to admire them for their strength and intelligence. WSS honors all the women that are underrepresented and underestimated to make the impossible possible. Margo believes that WSS is a very empowering organization and she hopes it will continue to motivate more women to join the STEM fields and find their individual passions.

Outside of WSS, Margo is currently a lab assistant at the Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases! At the center, Margo works on injections in lab mice and gene analysis. She is also a part of the Neurotech@Davis club, where she has been able to publish articles about up-and-coming neurotechnology companies. WSS has not directly influenced any of these particular activities just yet, but Margo is very excited to talk to more physicians and professionals to possibly get more involved with!

Margo is a very intelligent, hard working individual who is still very early in her college career! She feels the best advice she can offer to her fellow WSS peers is to know that it does not matter what anyone tells you, as long as you are passionate about what you are studying, you do you! She also feels it is super important to live and learn, learning from making mistakes is essential because if you do not make any, how are you going to improve? She encourages everyone to not be so hard on themselves and learn to always overcome any challenges that come your way! WSS is so proud of the woman Margo is today and looks forward to seeing all she will accomplish in the near future!

Margo Le

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