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Getting Involved at Zoom University

By: Alyssa Uribe, SDSU Chapter Member

As classes begin, we will all have to adjust to our new normal. Every semester we look forward to seeing friends, starting extracurriculars, and getting back to our schedules. The fall club fairs may not be held this year, but you can still find ways to get involved. Many organizations have accommodated new protocols and are trying new ways to continue events and activities virtually.

If you are looking for new clubs, check out your campus student websites. You can easily find organizations based on your future profession, major, or hobbies. You can also email advisors for ideas and recommendations. Ask friends to join you in the search and find something to join together. Contact the organizations through their website or social media and ask for more information about participating virtually!

You can also look for research experience. Although you may not be able to do bench work, there are still opportunities to get started. Find the research topics you are interested in and contact the principal investigator. Ask about potential online work or journal clubs you can take part in!

There are so many opportunities available, you just have to find them. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try new activities!


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